Saturday, June 27, 2009

Weekend update

It was very hot and humid the past few days. Today was wonderful, sunny and dry and my walking is always better when it is cooler and dryer. Just want to thank all the people who have been so helpful.

I had yummy meals, my mommy made homemade tomato sauce last night with No Onions, but it had garlic and I've been eating a little garlic for 15 years. I had a little lick yummy!!!

My old vet said that many of the little Italian grandmas for years swore by garlic for fleas and good health.

Sleeping now but dreaming of romping in huge green fields with lots of cookies and pizza, yummy, I Love Pizza! But only get lots of doggie food, broccoli bones and doggie cookies.

Sniff Sniff, kiss kiss,

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sophie Update

Hello Dear Friends:

I am so grateful for all the support and some donations have come. When we hit 1,500.00 my family will schedule my surgery.

My left toe hurts because I also have a fatty lump there, along with the one on my side and a tiny growth on my eyelid which causes my eye to tear at times. My family are doing the best that they can but the bad economy and my medical bills have racked up. Some kind lady donated a bag of yummy dog food:) My Family hope to raise money for my surgery and back bills.

I will keep you posted how my cause is coming along. Right now it's muggy and I don't do that well with rain and heat. I prefer cooler weather which excites me and gets me wanting to walk Everywhere. My family take me on walks because sore toe or not, us Otterhounds love to keep active and have to get a good dose of daily aroma therapy, which means for me: checking out the smells in my neighborhood.

Woff Woff, Sniff Sniff and Kiss Kiss!
Love from Sophie and family

Sunday, June 21, 2009

"Sophie's Story"

"Sophie's Story"

Hello, my name is Sophie. I am a 15 year old mutt. They tell me I'm an Otterhound mix, whatever that means. My journey began in Long Island, New York where I was born.

I came from a good home with a loving, caring family with children. I was well trained with my own lawn and yard. I loved playing with the children. After a while I got lost and a nice person picked me up and brought me to North Shore Animal League.

I was left alone there for what seemed like an eternity. I quickly grew to be a full grown pooch, but I was so sad and often wondered "What did I do wrong to wind up alone and abandoned without a home and family?"

I had become ill with worms, fleas and kennel cough. Then one day a miracle happened. A glamorous movie star came to North Shore Animal League with some other nice ladies. They were looking for a dog to give as a birthday present to a special man. Later that afternoon I went to Manhattan to meet the man who would be my new owner and that night I met my new mommy, the same lady who has loved and cared for me until today.

In time my new daddy was traveling a great deal and I bonded with my new mommy. She took me for long walks and fed me all kinds of great treats! I never felt more loved. I did miss the children who once owned me and played with me, so every time I heard children laughing and running I wanted to run and play with them.

Soon the kind man and my new mommy separated but I stayed in New York City with her. I had all sorts of doggie friends and of course some arch-enemies. There was an older German Shepherd who got annoyed at my rambunctious energy. She pinned me down and put me in my place. I also had another enemy, a high-strung Rottweiler named Madonna, who barked ferociously at me whenever Mommy and I walked past her. Chill out, wouldja Madge?

Mommy eventually met a wonderful man who has become my new Daddy. Soon Mommy and Daddy had children which filled my heart with joy! I am so lucky to have a new loving family.

When September 11th, 2001 happened it was very scary in downtown New York City. When I went outside the sky was all black and the air was dark gray. People were crying and everyone was frightened. I was frightened too and could not smell anything after a while, because all the familiar smells in my neighborhood were replaced by a smoky smell. Even today I still panic whenever my Mommy or Daddy accidentally burn food on the stove as us dogs never forget such events and smell associations.

The air was horrible to breathe but we all soldiered on and soon the air began to clear again. About one year later I began to develop fatty lumps on me. Mommy took me to a doctor and he removed some lumps. A few months later I developed a limp and could not walk. A lump was pressing on a nerve under my left front leg. The doctor removed that lump and some more. I was in terrible shape and had drains where the lumps were removed. In no time I came back, though I still occassionally lose my footing.

I always had the best food and treats. I went to the vet often and had a few more lumps removed when I had dental work done. It was always traumatic waking up and having to wear a cone-collar so I did not chew my stitches. But my family always brought me back to health and I am so happy and loved.

People love me wherever I go because they say I'm adorable! I'll leave it to you to decide if I'm cute or not. My family loves me and their care has seen me all the way to 15 years old - That's like 105 in dog years. I have some arthritis and my vision is a little less sharp but I'm very good other than that.

Mommy and Daddy have hit some hard times. We have had to move because they lost work with the bad economy and have also lost money with their IRAs. I have gotten very sick with one of those nasty lumps becoming an abscess. They had to borrow money to pay for my vet bill and have not been able to pay their rent for a little while. I need surgery to remove this lump because the doctor says that it might be more serious.

I hope that you can help me get my medical care and help Mommy and Daddy pay back the bills that my illness has caused them. They love me very much but my family, like many families are having a tough time making ends meet.

Can you please help us? Donate to Sophie's Cause!

Some people might say "What's the big deal, you're fifteen, you've been lucky so far and you've lived a better and longer life than many dogs?" My answer to you is one word - LOVE! I am loved so much by my family and I love them. You can never put a price tag on love. But with your help I can have my proper care and medical needs met. You would also be giving the most incredible gift to my family because I mean a lot to them. Please help us if you can, and if you cannot, please remember me and my family in your prayers. Thank you!